PARVO? just wondering what it is?

so a few questions: 1. what is it 2. how do you or a pet get it? 3. if my puppy gets it, how could i tell? 4. what are the symptoms? 5. can it be treated at home? 6. how long will it last? 7. how long does a dog have to live if she gets parvo? 8. is it easy to get? 9. is it alot of money to get it treated at the vet? thankyou! .

so a few questions: 1. what is it 2. how do you or a pet get it? 3. if my puppy gets it, how could i tell? 4. what are the symptoms? 5. can it be treated at home? 6. how long will it last? 7. how long does a dog have to live if she gets parvo? 8. is it easy to get? 9. is it alot of money to get it treated at the vet? thankyou!




1) Parvo is a virus that attacks young dogs (puppies typically). 2) It is picked up by contamination from another dog (doesn't have to be direct contact), or from the environment. 3) If your puppy gets parvo, you will know by the symptoms below. 4) It causes the lining of the intestines to slough off, causing bloody diarrhea and severe dehydration, as well as vomiting and lethargy. The diarrhea has a very characteristic foul odor. These are usually the first signs of parvo, as it takes 7-10 days to incubate. 5) Parvo must be addressed by a veterinarian, as many dogs must be put on antibiotics to prevent secondary infections, as well as antiemetics to stop the vomiting and subcutaneous or intraveinous fluids. 6) The virus takes about 10 days to completely run it's course, although supportive treatment is usually needed for longer. 7) The prognosis depends on the individual dog, and how soon they are treated. 8) Parvo is extremely contagious and can live in the ground for 5+ years after being exposed. This is why it's extremely important to vaccinate puppies on a regular schedule and keep them away from any questionable dogs/places until they are fully vaccinated and older. 9) Cost just depends on severity of case and clinic, it can run anywhere from $200 to over $1000.

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