OMG my dad just agreed to let us get a dog ?!?

my dad just agreed to let us get a dog from the animal shelter. I have always been asking for one but he always said no. But the dog i showed him on the animal shelter website was in our house about two months ago. Let me explain. the jack russell terrier just arrived into our kitchen and just sat there but we couldn't keep him. He was a stray in our town for a while until he disappeared. He got taken by the dog warden. Now that im allowed to get a dog im not sure if i could care for it as i think i used to want one.

my dad just agreed to let us get a dog from the animal shelter. I have always been asking for one but he always said no. But the dog i showed him on the animal shelter website was in our house about two months ago. Let me explain. the jack russell terrier just arrived into our kitchen and just sat there but we couldn't keep him. He was a stray in our town for a while until he disappeared. He got taken by the dog warden. Now that im allowed to get a dog im not sure if i could care for it as i think i used to want one. We have a good sized back yard for him running in but i will be at school for most of the day. But im sure my dad would walk him and play with him until i come home from school. Don't think i am an inexperienced little teenager i have had a dog before that sadly died of parvo disease shortly after we got him. And i have books on dog care also. Do you think i am ready to get a dog ?




I think that you are ready. It is really awesome that you are getting a dog from a shelter, you are saving a wonderful life. Just be prepared that a dog is your responsibility. You need to be prepared for the good and the bad. This animal will be with you for the next 10-15 years of your life, think really hard about that. It will require money for food, toys, training classes, and especially vet care. But, it will require time, energy, and love, which it sounds to me like you are more than willing to give it. A dog is a big responsibility for anyone regardless of how old or young they are, so think really hard about it. If after you have given it deep thought, and you still feel committed, then you are definitely ready.


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I am getting really annoyed with my dogs and I don't know what to do?

First of all I'd like to say that I love my dogs dearly. They are a big part of my life. Their names are Buddy and Jake. Buddy is a lab/dalmatian that we adopted from the pound and Jake is a german shepherd mix that was a stray close to death we found on the street. We have spent a couple thousand dollars on these dogs. Most of it was to save Buddy's life when he had parvo but part of it was to save Jake's life when he had coccidiosis and hookworm. I have given them so much attention, playing walks etc.

First of all I'd like to say that I love my dogs dearly. They are a big part of my life. Their names are Buddy and Jake. Buddy is a lab/dalmatian that we adopted from the pound and Jake is a german shepherd mix that was a stray close to death we found on the street. We have spent a couple thousand dollars on these dogs. Most of it was to save Buddy's life when he had parvo but part of it was to save Jake's life when he had coccidiosis and hookworm. I have given them so much attention, playing walks etc. But they are so disobedient. I have tried training and it just didn't work out. Maybe its just because i'm pregnant that they're really getting on my nerves but sometimes I get so overwhelmed I don't know what to do. I have considered rehoming them many times but I do love them and care for them so much. I just don't know if i could really do that. They get into things. Rip up carpet. Jake breaks out of his crate when i'm not home and tears up stuff in the spare room. They've ripped up couch cushions, damaged walls. Buddy has Separation anxiety and I believe Jake does as well. My husband is deployed right now and I really don't think I can handle both dogs an a baby. At least not while my husband is gone. What should I do? oh and I only put them in the crates when i'm not home (which is rare because i'm a house wife) and I've started to make them sleep in there now because they have been barking at all hours of the night when I let them sleep with me. Thanks for all your answers. My dogs didn't just get separation anxiety when my husband left...they've always had it. This is my husband's second deployment.




I to am a dog lover and have 2 dogs myself. Savannah is a westie and Penelope is a rat terrier. You have put some much time and money into your dogs, it would be a shame to give them a new home and I would make that my last resort. Have you considered obedience school. I don't know where you live but I'm sure there are alot of good ones in your area. Maybe Pet Smart could help you with some suggestion as well. Hang in there, you have alot going on in your life right now especially all the hormone changes being pregnant and I can identify with you as far as a husband being deployed. Mine was in the Marine Corp and he was gone all the time. I hope this helps.

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Okay. So, my dog got parvo...................?

When he was like 2 years old. A dog that had parvo had peed on a tree, then my dog (Tiger) licked the pee....a week later we started noticing parvo symptoms. Called the vet and he said if he only had a 20% chance of living, and he wouldn't have that if he didn't get treatment within the next 24 hours. So we got him in, and he (thank God) survived!! Now, he's 8 years old, almost 9, and he's fine...but I was wondering, could his Parvo be caused from him licking the urine of that other dog? That's how I think he got it, and why I never let him lick near poles or fire hydrants.

When he was like 2 years old. A dog that had parvo had peed on a tree, then my dog (Tiger) licked the pee....a week later we started noticing parvo symptoms. Called the vet and he said if he only had a 20% chance of living, and he wouldn't have that if he didn't get treatment within the next 24 hours. So we got him in, and he (thank God) survived!! Now, he's 8 years old, almost 9, and he's fine...but I was wondering, could his Parvo be caused from him licking the urine of that other dog? That's how I think he got it, and why I never let him lick near poles or fire hydrants....just to be safe. you think it's safe to let him lick? I don't think it is...but I want your opinion on this whole thing. Thanks. Don't be an idiot, of course I've had my dog vaccinated, duh, do I look like an irresponsible pet owner to you. Duh. Maybe it was when he was like 4 years old, who knows. I forget




Parvo is a puppy virus, plus he's arleady had it. The vet lied had more than 20% chance of living. I've nursed 3 dogs through parvo

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where does dogs get parvo?

I have been answering questions on here and i see so many questions about their dogs having parvo. Just curious, all these dogs with parvo how are they getting it? are they not getting their shots or can they get parvo if they have had their shots? where does parvo come from ? i have a sheltie and she does have all her shots. .

I have been answering questions on here and i see so many questions about their dogs having parvo. Just curious, all these dogs with parvo how are they getting it? are they not getting their shots or can they get parvo if they have had their shots? where does parvo come from ? i have a sheltie and she does have all her shots.




The disease is caused by a highly contagious virus that is transmitted mostly by dogs orally contacting infected feces. Being a virus, they contain only DNA or RNA, and are not capable of reproducing unless they invade a cell. Once inside the cell they take over and force the cell to produce so many new virus particles that the cell eventually bursts, releasing these new virus particles into the bloodstream and tissues so they can invade other cells. The only thing that can stop this is the immune system. Viruses are the smallest of know living organisms, and can only be seen with special microscopes called scanning electron microscopes, that cost millions of dollars (ours is on order). The parvovirus is extremely small (the Latin word for small is parvo)- just 1 thimble full of stool can contain millions of virus particles. It is easy to see why contamination occurs so readily. Incubation period varies from 5-10 days.As in many viral diseases of the intestinal tract, some dogs can pick up the disease and shed the virus without significant symptoms in themselves.

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