Last night I noticed that he was acting strange, and so this morning I took him to the vet. He had thrown up and wouldn't eat anything and was lethargic, but otherwise had no symptoms. He tested positive for parvo. The vet gave him a shot of penicillin and gave us amoxicillin pills as well as pain medicine and told us we could give him pepto. We're doing all of these things and keeping him in a warm bed. We're giving him pedialyte via syringe several times a day. He's not so lethargic that he won't come out of his crate to greet us when we open it, but he's not his typical hyper self. I love this pup so breaks my heart to think that he might not live because of my stupidity. How do his chances sound?
I'm not a vet, but my sister had a guide dog in training that had parvo last year...he bounced back and is doing fine, in fact, he is so well that they had to send him back to the guide dog school to complete his training. So it can turn out fine.
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