My dog has parvo and i need help!?!?

My dog has parvo and we already took him to the vet two days ago. Today i took him back becuase he stopped taking in gatorade. Rigth now he looks really sick! he doesnt move and is breathing heavily. He pooped red liquid which i dont konw if it was becuase of the red gatorade or blood. What should i do now? please help .

My dog has parvo and we already took him to the vet two days ago. Today i took him back becuase he stopped taking in gatorade. Rigth now he looks really sick! he doesnt move and is breathing heavily. He pooped red liquid which i dont konw if it was becuase of the red gatorade or blood. What should i do now? please help




You don't need help, you need to place him in intensive care at your vets and stop trying to take care of this on your own. Ask your vet to keep him for the duration of the disease, and during this time, you go home and bleach everything from the floor to the ceiling, and everything between.

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