My dog was hospitalized for a week with parvovirus. she survived.But being that she was with IV all them days, the same leg the Iv was on looks like a balloon i noticed the vet never changed or switch the IV from the leg. Is he suppose to? my dog is cured of the virus but still hospitalized because of her leg. It looks like a balloon. The dog had and has all vaccination. she's 9 months old. thanks ofcourse i asked the vet already but He's never going to say it was his fault he should of moved the IV to another spot or leg. I went and saw the dog everyday and she was fine. 2 days befor i was supose to take her home she dint have Iv on her leg and it was fine. 2 days later I go pick her up and her leg is huge. Dont say ask the vet cause he isn't going to saw its his fault and im not saying it is. i just thought its wierd. I know that if you put the IV in wrong it can and will cause a similar reaction. Been that i asked the vet and he said dont worry im not going to charge you for the days extra that the dog has to stay nor the medicine that makes me feel like he did something wrong.
you need to ask the vet that treated her this question. it could be any number of things: her vein blew around the catheter, the catheter came out slightly and leaked, an infection, etc...
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