Saturday, he wasn't feeling well...just laying around the house. Sunday, he wouldn't eat his dry food, so I bought some moist food, and he ate through out that day a whole can of moist food. Monday, he was throwing up clear stuff. I took him to vet monday, vet said he could have intestinal virses going on and gave him anitbotics. yesterday (Tuesday) at 5am, he was pooping blood diarhrehea, not poop....BLOOD! and throwing up clear stuff. at 8am he did the same thing. I called the vet at 9 when they opened and brought him back to vet. vet still thinks its some sort intestinal virses. he been checked for Parvo and it's negative. I just can't sleep, it's 1:30am and thought I would get some idea of what is going on with my dog. he is 6 months old half lab half boxer. also we have 2 other dogs in our house...and they both are fine. any idea? he tested negative for parvo. and the vet kept him last night, so he is staying at the vet hospital.
You should get a second opinion or press your vet to confirm he does not need to be admitted for supportive fluid and shock prevention. I went through this exact same thing last week with a foster. Possible conditions causing this if parvo negative e-coli, samonilla, giardia, HGE (potentionally recurrent GI issue of unknown orgin), hookworm if the stool is soft with a clear film over the stool. Edit: Day 1 soft unformed stool- no visible blood, lack of appitite, stool sample taken to vet showed increased bateria and blood. Tx oral antibiotics antidiareal paste, dewormed. Day 2 diareah with visible blood, vomiting clear fluid, pale gums, temp 101.7 neg. Parvo. Tx. Vet visit, at home 300cc sub q fluids am/pm with vitamin b complex, sub q antibiotics and anti nausea drugs. Day 3 no vomiting, 3 episodes of rectal bleed, loss of 200-300cc of blood with each episode overnight and 3 more in am after fluids- no stool, white gums, limbs feel cold and stiff, temp of 100.7 personality chang was very clinggy. Tx IM Vitamins K, admitted to the hospital for 3 days, transfusion, IV fluids and continuation of previous treatments. After discharge his was on a ricewater diet phasing in steamed rice, we are going to phase in cottage cheese, chicken and finally plain yogurt and eventually kibble. Day 9 initiated a game of tag and tug I war with my personal dog, and has been trying to steal his food and food off the counter, today I gave him an extra serving of rice/ rice mush. Even though these guys tested neg. For parvo they need aggresive supportive treatment as if they have parvo. They said this guy would not have lived through the day if he had not gotten the supportive treatments and not been admitted when we did. I would even consider an emergency vet if he is showing the day 3 signs. Bleach does not kill e-coli/samonilla, you need to clean using with a strong amonia mix followed 3 days later with bleach or vice versa. Humans can get this without good hand washing and if the enviroment is not throughly cleaned.
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