My puppy ate some toy stuffing...?

...and vomited 4 times the first day. Diarhea twice. Hasnt eaten or drank on his own in 5 days now. Took him to my work (Operation Kindness) foir a Parvo test and the positive sign was barely visible, so I dont know if its yes or no. I give fluids at home by IV and he has had 3 antibiotic shots now. I give Nutrical so he gets something but wont make him vomit. He hasnt pooped in 2 days now, of course he hasnt eaten. I have no money for the vet, so I'm trying to do what I can. He doesnt do anything but lie there with eyes open.

...and vomited 4 times the first day. Diarhea twice. Hasnt eaten or drank on his own in 5 days now. Took him to my work (Operation Kindness) foir a Parvo test and the positive sign was barely visible, so I dont know if its yes or no. I give fluids at home by IV and he has had 3 antibiotic shots now. I give Nutrical so he gets something but wont make him vomit. He hasnt pooped in 2 days now, of course he hasnt eaten. I have no money for the vet, so I'm trying to do what I can. He doesnt do anything but lie there with eyes open...too lethargic. He does go outside with me and the other dog though. If it is Parvo...what all does he need besides the fluids and penicillin? How long til he recovers if he does? How long can he go on NutriCal? Vomited stuffing 2-3 times...diarrhea looked like it had some in it. Need to find emergency vet in Dallas who will do payment plan.




My puppy did this. She swallowed the stuffing and it lodged in her intestines. She also had parvo, but she had a strong positive. The vet put her in isolation. She had IVs too. One med to speed up her stomach to pass the blockage. But her stomach needed to rest for the parvo. One week later, after a blood transfusion and everything, we lost her. My bill was over $2000. We should have taken the vets sugestion and put her down. Instead she suffered for a week. This combination is serious. Good luck.

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