Parvo? What do we do now?

I had 2 labs, one 9 and one 1. The puppy died today from what the vet said was parvo. How can I be sure that my other dog wont get it? And what about my nephew, can he catch it from the yard? Or even me and my family? Our cats? What other precautions do we need to take? I've already gone around the neighborhood to let people know that a stray dog, or something has carried the virus into our neighborhood. I also want to add that the older dog got the vaccine today. But what if it was already in his system? .

I had 2 labs, one 9 and one 1. The puppy died today from what the vet said was parvo. How can I be sure that my other dog wont get it? And what about my nephew, can he catch it from the yard? Or even me and my family? Our cats? What other precautions do we need to take? I've already gone around the neighborhood to let people know that a stray dog, or something has carried the virus into our neighborhood. I also want to add that the older dog got the vaccine today. But what if it was already in his system?




Aww, I am sorry about your one year old. :-( its hard when you cant even control it. Parvo is a very difficult disease to control. The thing is it could be in your back yard and you not even know it. From the experiences I have had with it, if your dog gets it, you know almost immediatly, usually with in 5-6 days but I am sure it could take longer. The change in mood, wont eat, slobbering, tired, diahrrea. It takes a toll on them. Although Parvo can be a death sentence for some dogs, about two years ago my mom actually nursed one of our puppies back to health from it, but it is seriously something that takes alot of work, they have to keep hydrated and fed-If I remember correctly she had an IV for him, but she tried not to use it so that it would make him stay somewhat active. The good news is, parvo usually attacks younger dogs first simply because their immune system is weaker. Although your 9 year old may be suseptibale to it, its better in a way that he is older. You have gotten the vaccine which was a big step, now you need to moniter him very closely. Since you have had him so long you probably will notice any change in behavior. The link below has lots of people who have delt with parvo, and can reccomend some other ways to handle it. Honestly I really believe that if he does get parvo he can survive but it is most definatly not easy. It also reccomends bleach to get rid of it, since it could be anywhere, your yard, front steps, doggie bed etc. Good Luck!

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